But even without solid results, it makes the government and/or politicians the heroes of t If you use the hacks in this guide, you’ll be doing things even advanced marketers don’t know about. These are great hacks. Tremendous hacks. But to be honest, we haven’t given you our best ways to improve your entire site. We review well over 100 sites per year. We sit down and review page after page, and the advice we give helps hundreds of business owners drastically improve their sales. Our secret? We use the same checklist every time to evaluate
websites and give pinpoint guidance. We’ve increased some of our customer’s conversions by 200% or more with this simple website optimization checklist we use internally. Internally is the keyword, because we’ve never released this before. It’s our secret sauce. Today Telemarketing list we’re releasing that spreadsheet on this guide. It may not stay that way forever, but for now we’re letting you have this special spreadsheet. Combine the hacks in this guide with this website optimization spreadsheet, and you’ll turn your site into a list building, revenue-generating MACHINE.
What we see most often is the tactic against utility providers and supermarkets. The government will come up with policies to attack gas prices or phone bills which are unavoidable costs we all bear. And these costs are Controlled by large, unknown companies. In almost all cases, the end result is that nothing has changed. But in reality, everything remains the same. Because, in fact, for various reasons, the government cannot make any major changes. he story, driving change on our behalf at the very top of town.